You know that thing little wise old men say about it being better to be silent and thought a fool than to speak and prove it right? That’s kind of how I feel lately. I’d like to be blogging more, but I just got nothing. (I don’t even got no good grammar.) There’s been very little that’s said “Write about me!” lately, which leaves me with the option of blogging for the sake of blogging, and god knows the internet has enough of that without me contributing. I could post pictures of my cat, maybe? Would you like that sort of thing?
But it’s Spring, finally, and I feel like my brain may be turning itself back on, at least in the sort of ways that are relevant to my loyal readership. The weather’s looking crappy and I’ve got no plans for the weekend, so maybe some more serious thoughts soonish? Until then, a few random thoughts and observations.
- I’ve been reading Warren Ellis’ Freakangels, and have quite enjoyed it, though I don’t always remember to check for new installments on Fridays. It’s fun Ellis-type stuff, a futuristic setting with a bunch of clever and snarky characters, though I don’t have any real in-depth observations yet – at 9 installments of 6 pages each, it’s only about 2-3 issues worth of paper comics, and has mostly been setup and introduction so far. Still, it’s fun stuff if you’re an Ellis fan, though unlikely to convert you if you aren’t. Paul Duffield’s art is quite nice, reminding me a bit of Josh Middleton.
- Speaking of Ellis, I was going to post more about Doktor Sleepless, which I think has gotten particularly interesting. But that was, like, two months ago, and nothing. Bugger. But there’s a new issue out this week that I need to pick up, so maybe that’ll kickstart me a bit. I also need to pick up the first issue of Anna Mercury, which looks fun.
- Is this just a blog about Warren Ellis? No, I think not. It’s also a blog about Blue Beetle, which holds the distinction of being the last book I actually posted about; the main realization that I’d been seriously neglecting my loyal readers came when I noticed my last post was about #24, and I had #25 in my hands. Youch.
But still, #25 was fantastic, a great cap to John Rogers’ run on the book. Alas, it was also rather melancholy, since we don’t know when, or if, Rogers will return to the book he brought such life to. DC has the all-Spanish issue next, and a few issues by Will Pfeiffer coming up after that, but as far as I know haven’t announced any sort of actual plan for the book; not a good sign for a series that stumbles around the bottom of the sales chart. Still, the first 25 issues were good-to-great; Absolute Blue Beetle, anyone?
(Yes, I realize that’s probably just me. It will look great on my shelf next to Absolute Shade the Changing Man.)
- I’ve started listening to Nick Cave lately, after people telling me I probably should for the last five years or so. I have no specific observations beyond “pretty darn good” right now, other than that it’s pretty darn strange to hear Kylie Minogue singing about a girl who gets her head bashed in with a rock.
- New Portishead! I am, like, the happiest guy on the planet right now. They were one of my favourite bands in high school and university, and one of the first real concerts I ever saw. There are many reasons to be nervous when a band disappears for nearly a decade and then comes out with a new album, but I am no longer apprehensive. I have given my heart to Beth Gibbons once again.
- Brian Cronin has been doing a neat Comic Book Alphabet feature over at Comics Should Be Good, and I feel like I should steal his idea. But am I willing to commit to 26 posts on one theme? Will I look like a ninny, and not even a very original one, if I crap out somewhere around M? These are the things I worry about.