The Long Blondes @ Lee’s Palace

I actually wasn’t quite sure what to expect from this show. Unlike British Sea Power, whose new album is definitely concert-friendly, the new Long Blondes album has a decided studio feel: Lots of electronics, some quieter songs, and more experimental. It’s good, but would it play live?

Yes. By golly, yes. Most of this is thanks to the lovely Kate Jackson, who’s probably one of the more entertaining performers I’ve seen in recent years. But the band as a whole is really good, too, and adapted the new material quite nicely. “Round the Hairpin” was particularly impressive.

Fewer people in attendance than I might have expected – I think it was busier the last time I saw them – but the up side is that I was able to move around and take a lot more pictures than I might have otherwise.

Did I mention I’m in love with Kate? It’s rather obvious, I suppose.

The Long Blondes @ Lee's Palace
The Long Blondes @ Lee's Palace
The Long Blondes @ Lee's Palace
The Long Blondes @ Lee's Palace

More photos at Flickr.