So, pretty dead around here lately. Yep.
I’ve been kind of busy (maybe I’ll tell stories one of these days), and now I’ve only got a limited posting window because I’m taking off on vacation for two weeks this weekend. So here’s some random stuff.
- You know who’s awesome? Jim Rugg. He’s been posting some awesome art over at his livejournal, including some commissions he’s doing. Even more awesome? I’m going to be getting a commission from him at TCAF. Go me.
- You know about TCAF, right? The Toronto Comic Art Festival? And if you live anywhere near Toronto, you’re going, right? I’m pretty psyched for it, and plan to spend entirely too much money. However, I’m having a dilemma: Darwyn Cooke is going to be there, and I’d love to get my Absolute New Frontier signed. However, I’m not crazy about lugging around a book that weighs as much as I do. I shall have to find a compromise of some sort. The guest list? Pretty darn awesome: Cameron Stewart, Chester Brown, Stuart Immonen, Bryan O’Malley, Becky Cloonan, Kevin Huizenga, and many more. Crazy.
- Batman #667 is exactly the sort of Grant Morrison Batman comic I’ve bee waiting for. Oh, and that J.H. Williams guy is pretty incredibly awesome, too.
- I never got around to reviewing Brandon Graham’s King City, and god knows when I’ll get around to reviewing Multiple Warheads. But take my word for it: They’re both wacky, fun, sweet, and incredibly creative books. Go buy.
- This is the end of my list of random observations. For now.